If we collaborate, we become more strong.

Mail Art Detection is a free service for free citizens. It is a platform for social collaboration between sender and receiver of Mail (or any other form of delivery). It is not linked or controlled by any party and has no objective to serve a special group or company. It is tiny, fast, easy to use and powerful.
It helps you find out whether your postal service is reliable and whether your cards and letters are transported safely and really reach their destinations. If you are receipient you do not need any account or login, just confirm the delivery by typing the key into the field. The sender will be happy to know that his shipment has safely reached its destination. He will be grateful for this confirmation.

Enjoy this piece of social art!


Confirm your key
...and please confirm the country where you received it.


Want a stamp?

Apply or download the zip(100k).

Prepare your Mail Art.

Create New Key(s)

Stamp the MAD-Tracker on your Mail Art.

Write one of the keys you got in the field "tracker" of the stamp.


Check your key(s).

User: 10 | Generated Keys: 185 | Deliveries: 100 | Confirmed deliveries: 36

Copyright anyfree.org and Juan Petry 2025 | creative commons cc-by-sa/4.0
Home | Check Keys| CreateYourMasterKey | Create keys | About | Data Protection | Help | FAQ
Test Team Credits to : Sil Dubois | Predrag Petrovic | Sarah Roe | Carien van Hest | Paulo Alexandre Rocha Teles | Rebekka Schmidt